Welcome to Paradise!

St Lucia/ Soufriere

Vulkani forras
The Sulphur Spring

Soufriere madartavlatbol
Soufriere panorama

Gyemant vizeses botanikus kert
Diamond waterfall botanical garden
Vereb (him peldany)/Male Sparrow

Kolibri / Hummingbird

Helyi zoldseg, gyumolcs / Locally grown greens

Viragom, viragom / My flower

A gyemant vizeses / The Diamond Waterfall

Legy nyitott uj baratsagokra!
Make new friends!

Helyi sorok
Local beers

Post office

Kenyergyumolcs (nagyon finom)
Bread fruit (delicious)

Helyi penzek
Local money

Fekete hasu birkak
Black belly sheep

Atvaltozas / Metamorphosis

A legjobb kiszolgalas a szigeten
The nicest service on the island

Es persze a legfinomabb sulthal
And the tastiest fried fish



Ejjeli beka
Night frog

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