..es a reszeges madarka / ..and the drunk birdy

Vilagitotorony / Lighthouse

Barbadosz ejszaka / Barbados at night

Fritz, a haziak lusta kutyaja / Fritz, the Landlady's lazy dog

Errol Barrat Hazaban(a fuggetlen Barbadosz elso elnoke) / At the house of the first PM Errol Barrat
es Buda Europa kizepe! / And the middle of Europe is Buda(pest)

Persze azt is tudjuk, mi merre van. / We all know where the major cities are.

Cseledszallas / The house of the slaves

Sulyemeles / Weightlifting

Had vagom izekre azt a kokuszdiot! / Let me cut that coconut!

Szomszed templom / The church on the corner

..es kertje / ..and it's garden

A sziget legmagasabb pontja / The highest point on the island

Barbdoszi "zold"majom / Barbados Green Monkey

A legangyobb es legoregebb fa a szigeten (a fa 25 meter atmeroju, 28 meter magas, Ganabol kerult ide tengeri aramlatokkal, amugy a szigeten nem honos)
The oldest and biggest tree on the Island (click on the picture to increase the size. You can read all the details on the board)

Karacsonyi hangulat / Christmas feeling

Vandormadarak / moving birds

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