Finally the rainforest tour. Because there was nobody who could be our tourguide, we went into the forest by ourselves. It was very brave, because we could have got lost for a couple of days. Also we had barely enough water ... Of course we managed. When we finaly saw the way down (hardly a proper road, just a gully leading down to the village), we experienced an earthquake that measured 7.3 on the Richter scale. The tremour was the biggest ever recorded in the area. ( this was written in the next day's newspapers.) If you are on a volcano, having just survived the rainforest, without water, and the attack of an owner of a plantation, whose fruit we picked against dying of thirst, an earthquake is not that frightening. However, the fallen rocks and trees blocked the road... But if it had been a real danger, Bruce Willis would have appeared around...


Melyik a kifele veseto ut?
Where is the way out?

Orias rak
Giant Crab

Az eletmento narancs
The lifesaving orange

Kave / Coffee beans

Helyi krumpli
Local potato

Kakao, a vilag legfinomabb gyumolcse..
Cocoa, the tastiest fruit..

Foldrenges utan
After the earthquake

Kidolt fakon atmaszva
Climbing through a fallen tree, which blocked the road

Es a naplemente a tengerparton egy mozgalmas nap utan
After a busy day, the lovely sunset on the beach

Vendeglatonk Michael karibi rummal koszontott minket
Our host Michael welcomed us with a glass (or mug?) of caribbean rum

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